Festivities, Revels, and Nocturnal Dalliances

Suburban Pagans is a leisurely-assembled journal of leisurely pursuits, written we hope with a wry wit and coy wink. Movies and music, design and travel, style and lifestyle, food and drink, and occasional moments of Negroni-fueled contemplation and philosophy. Consider us your bohemian, libertine friend, the one person you know you can trust when you get invited to that mysterious secret society gathering at the mansion on the hill, bird masks required.

Dispatches are sent periodically delving into a particular piece of entertainment or avenue of thought. Once a month, you are invited to the Sunken Living Room, a longer-form exploration of the obsessions and baubles currently making life fun.

Suburban Pagans is unabashedly pro-LBTQ+, pro-choice, pro-kink, pro-sex, pro-nudity, pro-equality, pro-happiness, pro-fun, pro-dancing, anti-racism, anti-homophobia, anti-misogyny, and we believe punching a Nazi is OK. You’ll find we’re a largely laid-back and accepting little circle, but there are some things we simply cannot and will not abide.

A final note: while this collection of thoughts is not what one might consider adult content, we do sometimes discuss content of an adult nature and consider the whole rainbow of libidinous activities to be fine and healthy. Similarly, we may on occasion wander down challenging paths and difficult topics, though it is not the intent of Suburban Pagans to darken your day. If you find such material or conversation concerning, then Suburban Pagans may not be the party for you.

But by and large, expect well-shaken cocktails, a fine selection of music, flirtatious banter, and, when the moon is full, a bit of dabbling in the Occult. But only with the best of intentions.

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Festivities, Revels, and Nocturnal Dalliances